Scarlett Johansson’s Cinematic Journey: Success on Screen, Marvel’s Next Move, and Political Opinions

Scarlett Johansson Talks Woody Allen, Elizabeth Warren, 'Black Widow'

Scarlett Johansson is currently in the spotlight with two highly anticipated films, “Marriage Story” and “Jojo Rabbit,” along with her upcoming Marvel movie “Black Widow.” Despite being the highest-grossing actress in the world, she isn’t afraid to speak her mind on topics like Disney, Woody Allen, and her choice for president.

During a meeting with Noah Baumbach in 2016, Johansson was going through a divorce, which she shared with him before discussing the role in “Marriage Story.” Despite the difficult circumstances, the movie ended up being a healing experience for her as they delved into the themes of relationships, divorce, and parenthood.

Currently filming “Black Widow” in London with her daughter Rose, Johansson is juggling multiple projects and personal milestones. She is set to star in two potential award-winning films, get ready for the release of her Marvel movie, and prepare for her daughter’s kindergarten in New York City, as well as her upcoming wedding to Colin Jost from “Saturday Night Live.”

In person, the actress is open and confident, even when discussing controversial topics such as actors portraying characters of different races, her choice for president, or her support for Woody Allen. She doesn’t shy away from sharing her opinions, even if they may come across as pretentious at times.

When asked about Woody Allen, Johansson takes a moment to respond. Despite the backlash Allen has faced due to sexual abuse allegations from Dylan Farrow and the distancing of many in Hollywood, Johansson stands by her support for the filmmaker. She has worked with Allen on several projects that have been crucial to her career and believes in his innocence.

Johansson acknowledges the challenging nature of her stance in today’s cultural climate, where there is a strong emphasis on believing women’s allegations. She understands the passion and anger that people have in the current environment but stands firm in her support for Allen.

Johansson is an advocate for women’s rights and has been actively involved in supporting causes like Planned Parenthood and women’s health. She made a powerful speech at the 2018 Women’s March on Washington, where she called out James Franco for wearing a Time’s Up pin despite facing allegations of sexual misconduct. She expressed her disappointment in his actions and demanded her pin back.

After being introduced to Time’s Up by Natalie Portman, Johansson became one of the original signers of the announcement letter and donated to the legal defense fund. She found a sense of empowerment and solidarity through her discussions with other women involved in the movement, realizing the impact of triggering experiences. For her, Time’s Up became a source of support and understanding in a changing cultural landscape.

In her role as Rosie in “Jojo Rabbit,” Johansson portrays a compassionate single mother in Nazi Germany who shelters a Jewish girl. Her character serves as the moral center in the satirical film, balancing the absurdity of an imaginary Hitler portrayed by Taika Waititi. Despite being the voice of reason, Johansson’s Rosie brings warmth and humor to the story, drawing inspiration from real-life independent women like the director’s mother. Waititi praises Johansson’s comedic talents, highlighting her ability to bring laughter to the screen. He believes that she has untapped potential in the realm of comedy and hopes to see her explore more comedic roles in the future.

Following the news of Disney’s acquisition of most of 21st Century Fox, Scarlett Johansson found herself at a Disney dinner with her Avengers co-stars and executives. She expressed concern about how Fox Searchlight’s more subversive films, like “Jojo Rabbit,” would fit into the Disney family. However, her tablemates reassured her that Disney allows acquired studios to maintain their creative freedom and style. Sure enough, “Jojo Rabbit” received full support from Disney, even earning a private screening from CEO Bob Iger as part of its Oscar campaign.

Having starred in numerous Marvel films, Johansson is now executive producing her first Marvel movie, “Black Widow.” She is actively involved in script, director, and casting decisions, and is proud to be bringing a female-led film to the coveted summer opening slot. When it comes to her salary, Johansson confirms that she is on par with her male co-stars, earning over $15 million for “Black Widow.”

In a poignant moment for Marvel fans, Black Widow sacrifices herself in “Avengers: Endgame” to save the world and her friend Hawkeye. Johansson, though saddened by Black Widow’s demise, found it fitting for her character to sacrifice herself for those she loves. She describes the scene as bittersweet but believes it was the honorable end for Black Widow.

The movie Black Widow, helmed by director Cate Shortland, serves as a prequel to the events of Endgame, focusing on the character Natasha Romanoff after Captain America: Civil War. Actress Scarlett Johansson, who plays Natasha, feels empowered as an executive producer of the film, allowing her to shape the destiny of the character she knows so well. She delves into Natasha’s complex past, exploring her gritty and multi-dimensional nature, shaped by trauma and an unexamined life.

Looking ahead, Johansson is considering a transition behind the camera, expressing interest in directing projects. Her upbringing in Manhattan and early start in acting are reflected in her diverse career, which started with roles in off-Broadway plays as a child. Over the years, she has garnered critical acclaim for her performances in notable films like Lost in Translation and Ghost World, solidifying her status as a versatile actress with both subtlety and allure.

Johansson’s career success extends beyond critical acclaim, with her movies, especially Marvel films and hits like Lucy, earning billions at the global box office. With a tattoo of Thor’s hammer on her right hand as a tribute to her Danish heritage and her multiple ear piercings, Johansson embodies a unique blend of talent and individuality in the entertainment industry.

As Johansson’s career took off with the success of Lost in Translation, she found herself constantly objectified in profile stories that focused on her physical appearance rather than her talent. Johansson recalls how these articles would often start with descriptions of her blonde hair and voluptuous lips, a common experience for many actresses at the time. However, things have changed now, and the focus has shifted away from commenting on someone’s looks.

One thing that has always set Johansson apart is her willingness to defy expectations and not conform to society’s idea of what a likable female should be. Laura Dern, who worked with Johansson in Marriage Story, praises her for her strong sense of self and refusal to please others at the expense of her own identity. Johansson’s confident persona sends a powerful message that she is not here to be liked but to be herself, a quality that is truly impressive in a woman.

In a recent interview with As If magazine, Scarlett Johansson expressed her belief that as an actress, she should have the freedom to play any role, whether it be a person, a tree, or an animal. This statement has stirred up past frustrations in some communities regarding actors portraying characters of different races, genders, and sexual orientations. The debate was reignited due to Johansson’s previous controversial casting choices, such as playing a character of Japanese descent in Ghost in the Shell and then withdrawing from a transgender role in Rub Tug after facing backlash from the transgender community.

Following the backlash from her recent interview, Johansson acknowledged that not all actors have the same opportunities she has had. When asked to clarify her stance further, she chose to step back and allow other voices with more to say on the subject to take the spotlight. Johansson has indicated that she will no longer speak on the matter, recognizing the importance of amplifying diverse perspectives on the topic.

In her usual fashion, Johansson has chosen to ignore the advice of her politically active friends to sit back and wait for the Democratic primary to unfold. “Some Democrats have told me it’s too early to support a candidate,” Johansson explains. “But to me, it doesn’t feel early at all. It’s concerning that there isn’t a clear frontrunner at this point.” Johansson has thrown her support behind Elizabeth Warren, citing her as a thoughtful and progressive yet practical choice. “Warren isn’t making extravagant promises that are impossible to keep. She has a solid strategy,” Johansson praises. Regardless of who goes up against Donald Trump in the presidential election, Johansson is committed to being involved. “I’ll do whatever is necessary to help, whether it’s through public service announcements or encouraging voter participation. People need to vote for our government to function properly, but many don’t. It’s puzzling to me.”

For those who have ever dreamed of seeing Black Widow and Kylo Ren face off in a cinematic battle, they can witness it in “Marriage Story.” However, it all begins with Johansson’s character dropping a bombshell statement: “So… I think we need to talk.” This leads to an intense, 10-minute argument between Johansson’s Nicole and Driver’s Charlie, a playwright who seems to have a blind spot when it comes to his wife’s needs. The scene was meticulously shot over two days in a nondescript Hollywood apartment, with Johansson and Driver needing to deliver emotionally charged performances while hitting director Baumbach’s marks.

Although Driver stands at 6-foot-2 while Johansson is 5-foot-3, they spar like skilled boxers in the same weight class. Driver mentions that the connection between two people is what matters most, regardless of size. He praises Johansson’s unique strength and presence, noting how she commands attention when she enters a room. Their characters in the movie eventually reach a truce, similar to what Johansson was navigating in her real-life divorce. Reflecting on the ending, Johansson muses that perhaps things could have been different if they were different people, but that’s not how life works.

Despite experiencing the ups and downs of marriage, Johansson still believes in the institution. During one of her hosting gigs on Saturday Night Live, she appeared in a sketch parodying MTV’s reality shows about teenage moms. The sketch, written by Jost, caught Johansson’s eye with his confidence in the intense atmosphere behind the scenes. This initial encounter eventually led to a romance as they supported each other at public events and valued their privacy in their personal lives, allowing them to enjoy simple activities like taking their daughter to the park without being disturbed.

Johansson emphasizes the importance of maintaining a private life and avoiding social media. She is determined to protect her personal life from intrusion and unwanted attention. Despite her efforts to keep a low profile, the media sometimes invades their privacy, as seen in a recent incident where paparazzi photographs of her and Jost on the beach were published without their consent.

Even though Scarlett Johansson has been a well-known figure in the world of entertainment for 15 years, her upcoming fall films are poised to thrust her back into the spotlight of awards season for the first time since her Golden Globe nomination in 2006 for “Match Point”. Critics are raving about her performance in “Marriage Story”, with one from THR describing it as a portrayal that captures a myriad of conflicting emotions and instincts.

When asked about her feelings towards potentially being back in the awards season mix, Johansson admits to feeling a bit out of her element after being away for so long. However, she is looking forward to celebrating her work in both films with directors Noah and Taika, feeling proud of the collaborative effort put into making these movies. Johansson acknowledges the rarity and satisfaction that comes from having their hard work recognized.

Although Johansson is currently focused on the challenges of fame and motherhood, she humorously shares her daughter’s desire to dress up as Black Widow for Halloween. She reflects on her daughter’s understanding of her superhero role, uncertain if her daughter truly believes in her superpowers or simply enjoys seeing her face on cereal boxes.

In conclusion, Johansson’s return to the awards season limelight marks a significant point in her career, but she remains grounded in the everyday joys and challenges of being a mother and a celebrated actress.

This tale was originally featured in the September 4th edition of The Hollywood Reporter magazine. If you’d like to get your hands on the magazine, just click here to sign up for a subscription.

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